Confident At WorkĀ Podcast

Episode 48. You Got The Promotion, Now You've Got The Fear! Jun 09, 2023

Every year I coach people who are excited to have got a promotion, but somewhere along the line the excitement turns to worry, doubt and fear. Will I be able to do the job? What happens if I get...

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Episode 47. How To Be A Good Supervisor, Manager and Leader (To Yourself) Jun 02, 2023

Whether you lead people or not, you are always supervising, managing and leading someone; you.

In this episode I explain how we can, inadvertently be leading ourselves badly the impact that can...

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Episode 46. What To Do When You Get Nervous May 26, 2023

I get nervous. Always have done. Probably always will do. But I have learned how to handle myself when I get nervous - a vital skill for anyone who puts themselves out of their comfort zone! In...

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Episode 45. Growing Self-Trust From A Failure: A Conversation with Kate Sanders May 19, 2023

Meet Kate, a Cardiac Clinical Scientist in the NHS and a recently graduated coaching client. Kate shares her confidence struggles, the inner critic which got quiet, the self-doubt which grew into...

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Episode 43. Navigating Leadership and Diversity: A Conversation with Lara Sonola May 17, 2023

Lara is a former client and coaching and mentoring advocate. In this episode Lara talks candidly about her career, navigating leadership, diversity and we chat about being on a charity Board and...

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Episode 44. There Is Nothing Wrong With You May 12, 2023

If you are struggling with confidence stuff at work hear this; there is nothing wrong with you. It's a normal, but usually hidden, thing that lots of people experience and just dont talk about.


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Episode 42. Ditch Your Double Standards Apr 28, 2023

You've got double standards, and it's hurting your confidence! Listen on to find out what double standards you might have lurking inside and how they might be impacting your confidence and what you...

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Episode 41. I Stopped Caring So Much About What People Think: A Conversation With Coaching Client Victoria Apr 21, 2023

This week I interview Victoria about her confidence challenges and how she overcame them with the help of confidence coaching. We talk about stopping caring so much about what other people think,...

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Episode 40. Confidence And Arrogance Apr 14, 2023

A lot of you think that confidence and arrogance go hand in hand, but I dont think confidence and arrogance belong on the same continuum. Period. They are two separate qualities. So if you were...

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Episode 39. My Ulterior Motive In Helping You Grow Your Confidence Apr 07, 2023

I have an ulterior motive in helping you grow your confidence which you should probably know about before we go any futher!

When I'm doing confidence work with you I'm not just thinking about how...

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Episode 38. What Your Confidence Struggles Really Mean (Hint: Itā€™s Good Mar 31, 2023

When we struggle to feel as confident as we want doing something, we can assume it means all kinds of things about us. But what if it is just evidence that we are doing good human-ing? What if it's...

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Episode 37. Being Sensitive At Work Mar 17, 2023

Are you sensitive at work? Does that mean that sometimes you struggle? Me too. Listen on to find out how I have learned to admit and manage my own sensitivity at work, and how I help my clients to...

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