Read Client Success Stories

I work with professional women across any sector to help them become more confident at work.

Here are testimonials from my private clients and people who attended my trainings.

“When I started working with Anna, I had rock-bottom confidence and my inner critic was fully in charge. I believed, because I’d failed something, I was a failure.

And now, because of Anna’s coaching, I truly don’t believe that anymore. Anna’s empathic, caring and very personal approach to coaching has turned me around to believe in myself.

I’ve learned so much about how to manage myself, and my thoughts and my expectations, and I’m now genuinely excited rather than terrified about the next step of my work journey, which I couldn’t have imagined 12 weeks ago. I can’t thank Anna enough and would strongly recommend her coaching to anyone struggling with their confidence. It might even change your life!”

— Kate Sanders, Consultant

"I had lost confidence in myself from a strong belief that I needed to play a role at work, totally ignoring my achievements to date or the fact that I had got to where I am from being me and doing it in my way. Anna helped me to recognise that, and to find my inner confidence once again just by being myself. 

If I am honest, I thought coaching would be about teaching me how to play a role at work to make my mark in a male dominated environment. How I should act, phrases I should use, the power suit I should wear, “fake it until you make it” etc.. 

It couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact it was all about accessing what I already had and learning to trust myself again.”

— Sarah, Legal Partner, Department Head

“One of the most valuable things I've ever done in my professional career.

It's made me realise how much harder my working day was just because of my own thoughts, self-doubts and being my own worst critic.

Being given the space and opportunity to properly understand what is going on in my own mind, and the tools to be able to deal with it has made a huge impact on how I approach new, challenging or confronting tasks. I can't recommend it highly enough.”

— Emma Wake, Legal Director, Birmingham

"Before starting, I was highly sceptical about myself and coaching but for some reason, I still decided to take a leap into the unknown. Today, I think that was one of the best decisions of my life.

I know myself better, I have tools I didn't have three months ago and I know how to use them to achieve the results I want both at work and in my private life.....

Today I have chaired a meeting that wasn't planned to be chaired by me with people I have never met before and I felt like a new person! I was smiley, calm, assertive, clear and FULLY PRESENT. What did you do to me?!!”

—  Daniela, Senior Healthcare Scientist 

“At work, I have struggled with a fear of speaking up to share ideas, a fear of engaging in conversations in meetings, a fear of being judged as incompetent. This fear would keep me in my safe zone, affecting performance and productivity and the potential to further improvements. 

Within a few weeks of starting work with Anna, I noticed a difference in my behaviour.

The fear was not so pronounced; I was becoming assertive, questioning, and contributing to meetings. From then on, my confidence was growing fast.

Whilst sometimes that reluctance is still there, I can accept it as normal, and despite my reservations, I am no longer apathetic at meetings.”

— Ione Ashurst, Head of Therapies and Rehabilitation

“I started coaching with Anna following my return to work after maternity leave with my first child. I was struggling to understand who this new me was and how I fitted in at work given that my life had been completely transformed. I lost a lot of confidence in myself and in my own judgment. I spent a lot of time worrying about what other people thought about me and analysing interactions and what they might mean.

“Anna was supportive, encouraging and sometimes challenging (which I needed) and helped me regain my confidence and self-assurance – all magically and without giving any advice!”

— Lydia, Legal Associate

How will your professional career change once you grow your confidence?


Book a free consultation with me to find out how coaching can support you.